Sunday, October 13, 2013

Joey Peep's

Today my Dad, brother , and I went to a restaurant called Joey Peep's in what my Dad calls Leesport, Pa. The employees there were very nice. They weren't like "What do you want?; Here you go!; That will be $8.56.". It seemed like they actually cared about what you thought of the restaurant. I ordered a cold tuna and cheese sub. It was good. They had it done and out to me very quickly. It cost $6.50, I am not sure if that is reasonable because I am only 13 but, I told you anyway. In my dad's Corrado ,getting ready to leave, this weird guy came to us asking if we had any money because his car was out of gas and apparently he left his debit card on his dresser. Dad said no. Avoid the weird mooch guy!!!

Restaurant rating:*****